The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) designated the City of Beech Grove as a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). The city is required to comply with a state-issued stormwater permit (INR040023). Beech Grove is implementing a program to prevent stormwater pollution in urban runoff and improve the water quality of local water bodies.
The Stormwater Quality Management Plan describes Beech Grove’s MS4 program and how it is implemented. Annual Reporting of certain measures and goals is required to be submitted to IDEM.
As part of the MS4 Program, the city adopted ordinances and standards to protect stormwater. Only rainwater should enter storm drains or surface waters. The ordinances and standards prohibit illicit connections and discharges to the storm sewer and illegal dumping. The ordinances and standards also regulate stormwater detention, water quality, and construction and post-construction practices. Refer to the Code of Ordinances and Stormwater Standards Manual below.
An illicit discharge is any discharge to a MS4 conveyance that is not composed entirely of stormwater, except naturally introduced floatables, such as leaves or tree limbs. The stormwater drainage system includes street curbs and gutters, ditches, catch basins, yard inlets, and underground storm pipes.
Examples of an Illicit Discharge include:
Illicit discharges cause water pollution by sending pollutants directly into creeks, streams, ponds, and lakes. Be sure you know what illicit discharges are so you can help prevent water pollution and keep our streams clean!
Illicit discharges and stormwater quality issues should be reported to the Department of Public Works at 317-803-9098 . See more information and examples in this short video.
Beech Grove is promoting pollution prevention activities and education as part of the MS4 program. The following educational resources are available for viewing to learn more about stormwater.
o Blue is the New Green - YouTube. Muncie Sanitary District. March 2015. Duration: 10:11. Video for the public on the right things to help protect our environment.
o Water Quality Education by The Clean Water Education Partnership - YouTube. Town of Cary, North Carolina. January 2018. Duration: 2:42. Video on what you can do to maintain water quality.
o Freddy the Fish Teaches About Stormwater - YouTube. North Central Texas Council of Governments – Environment and Development. December 2014. Duration: 4:28. Freddy the Fish teaches kids about what happens to rain after it hits the ground, where storm drains lead to, and what we can do to help prevent water pollution
o Explaining Stormwater Runoff - YouTube. The Watershed Institute. Original video produced by the West Michigan Environmental Action Council for the City of Grand Rapids, MI. June 2018. Duration: 1:35.
Citizens of Beech Grove can call the Stormwater Hotline/Department of Public Works at 317-803-9098 [ME1] to report the illegal dumping of chemicals, heavy erosion from constructions sites, polluted water, or other illegal connections to the storm system (such as septic tank discharges or washing machine wash water).
What can you do to prevent stormwater pollution?
All the programs described are provided and funded through the stormwater utility fees. For more information on the stormwater utility fees and the Beech Grove Stormwater Utility, refer to the Beech Grove Stormwater Utility Policy and Procedures Manual.
City Hall Administrative Offices
806 Main Street
Beech Grove, IN 46107